Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Anniversary / BFFs / Friendship Siglap 5 Trip

My BFFs of 25 years wanted to bring their kiddoes to Universal Studios Singapore (USS) so we offered to be the tour guide. Date for USS will be on 26 March 2012 and we will spend 4 days together (24 March - 27 March). 

Another good friend decided to join us with her kid... The more the merrier! USS tickets were bought and hotel rooms were booked and paid... 

Then came the glitches before the trip:-
1. Siglap 5 had to work that weekend as there was a car launch.
2. Siglap 5's driving license expired and he only realised it the Friday before THAT weekend... 

Notice that it all starts with Siglap 5???

Stay tune to what happened next....

To be continued!

~Mrs Ababe~
4 April 2012